Monday, December 3, 2012

Under any circumstances, CNU is a nice person!!

Vol. 14 Under any circumstances, CNU is a nice person!!

Q: This volume is the 2nd volume about CNU.
[Sandeul] Yes, I will say it. At first glance, CNU hyung has strong charisma, and honestly, at first, I thought he was a really hard person to approach.

Q: He kind of has a world of his own (in a good way). He has an image of an artist.
[Sandeul] Like he would scorn him you if you talked to him about something foolish (laugh).
[CNU] I would never do that~
[Jinyoung] But, he doesn’t talk about foolish things; Sandeul actually does a lot of funny things (laugh).
[CNU] Ah~ that’s true (laugh). And for the good and bad, I think that these glasses are really big.
[Sandeul] But once you talk to him, he was a really good person despite my impression!
[CNU] I’m originally an introverted person, and I can’t assertively talk to someone. So I’m usually seen as cool by peopleI meet for the first time. 

Q: And people think you’re unapproachable.
[Sandeul] But the more you get to know the person that is CNU, I thought that he’s kind, and warm and a rea~~~~lly good person (emphasis!)
[Gongchan] Yup, yup (nods heavily)
[Everyone] (everyone nods seeing Gongchan)
[CNU] (smiles shyly)
[Sandeul] So, I’m going to say this borrowing this opportunity. I’m really sorry about that time……and I……love…….CNU hyung!
[Baro] Then I’ll confess too! I love CNU hyung too!

Q: The two of you are going to confess like this all of a sudden!? (laugh)
[Jinyoung] No, I love CNU hyung more and I know about him the most~!

Q: Because Jinyoung and CNU are B1A4’s father and mother, so husband and wife (laugh).
[Jinyoung] So CNU hyung and I share a mutual love!
[CNU] Yes we do!
[Sandeul] Hey! Why didn’t you say anything when Baro and I confessed?
[CNU] You know how I feel even if I don’t tell you right? (big CNU smile)
[Sandeul & Baro] Uh huh (the 2 who are melted by the CNU smile)
[Jinyoung] Wait, didn’t Gongchan not confess?
[Everyone] Oh yeah~!
[Gongchan]Conversely, even if I don’t say anything, my feelings are understood by CNU hyung! Right hyung! (stares at CNU)
[CNU] Uh huh (stares back at Gongchan and softly nods)
[Sandeul] This is just exactly CNU hyung. What I wanted to say out loud was that, although I believe that our fans know about CNU hyungs greatness, and I know that there are people who don’t know him well but I don’t want them to misunderstand him at first glance.
[Gongchan] Then I will say it out loud too! Really, CNU hyung is nice and is very handsome on the outside!!
[CNU] Thank you~

 Q: Also, does CNU still check if the lights are shut off and check the dorms when you guys leave?
[CNU] Yes. This is just a habit already. Oh yeah! I feel a little awkward saying this after everyone complimented me but……there is 1 favor I would like to ask everyone!
[Baro] Eh what, what?
[CNU] Well it’s not that big of a deal.
[Jinyoung] That makes me even more curious! Just tell us already~!
[CNU] I want you guys to stop leaving your socks everywhere after walking around the dorm. Ah, I’m not talking about everyone but……
[Baro] Could this be about me?
[CNU] These 2 can’t seem to stop doing that (force smile). But the amount has reduced recently.
[Gongchan] Ah~ I understand! Please clean up your clothes and your presents you get from your fans! We moved and our dorm was actually neat but now……it’s slowly changing again.
[CNU] Please be conscious about it a little more~!
[Jinyoung & Baro]……Ok…….Sorry.
[CNU] Um~ the other person isn’t Jinyoung, it’s Sandeul (Sandeul who is blankly staring into the distance)

Q: Hey Sandeul, are you listening to what CNU is saying?
[Sandeul]…… (briefly absentminded)
[Jinyoung] (slaps his hand) Sandeul wake up!
[Sandeul] (returns to himself) Eh, what, what are we talking about?
[Everyone] (laugh)

Q: CNU please tell him what we were talking about again.
[CNU] No, it’s ok. Never mind~ (laugh).
[Sandeul] Hey don’t things from me~ (laugh).
[Jinyoung] We aren’t~

 Q: Really, we aren’t (laugh).
[Sandeul] (as if nothing happened) And can I talk about something that I’m jealous about CNU hyung?
[Gongchan] Go ahead~
[Sandeul] That is how small CNU hyung’s face is!
[Everyone] (laugh)
[Sandeul] And also , his broad shoulders!
[Everyone] (laugh)
[Sandeul] CNU hyung is working out every night, and at first when I saw that, I honestly thought that it would just end in 3 days. But he didn’t get discouraged and it is still continuing. In addition, he doesn’t just do it, he has a set program, and he does it until the end every day. I respect CNU hyung for his earnestness and his persistence. Also,
[Baro] You have more? (laugh)
[Sandeul] CNU hyung’s long legs! I’m also jealous of his hips when he wears pants!
[Jinyoung] In the end, aren’t you jealous of everything?
[Everyone] (ROFL)
[CNU] (in a small voice) Say more (laugh).

Q: Also, didn’t you say that you were jealous of Jinyoung’s right arm before?
[Sandeul] I am totally asking for too much/asking for something I can’t get (laugh). Also,
[Gongchan] Eh~ You’re going to say more?
[Baro] You’re so greedy~ (laugh).
[Sandeul]CNU hyung’s smile! Hyung’s smile is soft and warm and his personality shows, and above all, it’s cool!
[Everyone] (agrees)
[CNU] Sandeul, thank you for complimenting me so much~ (full faceCNU smile).
[Sandeul] The next volume is about me so, please do well!
[Baro] So that’s what it was~! (laugh).
[CNU] I got you! Please anticipate a lot Sandeul~!
[Sandeul] CNU hyung is a really really nice person~ (thanks him A LOT) Thank you hyung~!
[Baro] He didn’t say anything yet though (laugh).
[Jinyoung] He’s running wildly by himself again–
[CNU] Ah~ what should I do for the next volume~. I’m worried now (laugh).

source: ORICON
trans cr: kouko @ AVIATEB1A4

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

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