Sunday, November 25, 2012

Come Closer! SHINee's interview for Hanako Magazine

Come Closer!
The 5 people who showed their overwhelming popularity and managed to gather 200,000 fans throughout their arena tour this year. They even had Japanese original singles announced one after another and their influence continues to grow. We're delivering their current sides to you.

5 questions asked to SHINee
1. What thing do you want the most right now?
2. When did you last have a very good laugh?
3. What are you looking forward to when you come to Japan?
4. What kind of ideal guy are you aiming to be?
5. What kind of event made you feel the bond between members?

The owner of a distinctively charming voice who is experienced in musical stages. He said that the most enjoyable time this year was during the arena tour. "The tour period was quite long and through that time, we got to meet fans in various districts so I was really happy!"

Onew's answers
1. I fell in love at first sight with this 25 ton truck that passed before me (laugh). I wish that someday I can build a house somewhere surrounded by nature and it'd be great if I can put the truck there as well.
2. I must say I laugh quite a lot everyday that I can't really recall them all.
3. First, the live performance! Then it'd be food like ramen and gyudon.
4. Someone that anyone would see as an easygoing person.
6. When we're doing performances for music shows and others. If we think there are any mistakes, we'll just point it out. That way, our bond can be stronger and we can be united as well.

I'm really glad when fans tell me that they like my voice.
Onew captivated the audience with his beautiful and marvelous long note in his solo stage during the arena tour. But he humbly claimed, "'Friend' is one of my favorite songs and I think it suits me but I feel like I didn't sing it well." He also added, "It seems like the fans like my voice so I'm really glad about that." When asked what else he thought made fans attracted to him, he tried to analyze and replied, "Since I am a carefree person, it makes them feel relaxed or peaceful, I guess?" He is the oldest in SHINee and also the only one with blood type O. We asked him if there's anything bothering him about it. "Hmmm... I don't think there's anything about it that particularly gives me any hardship. After all, I'm the kind of person who like to observe from a distance and I'm not the kind that would tell people off directly. Ah, but I do insist on my opinions. It's just that I usually miss the right timing (laugh). I envy those who can speak their mind clearly." That was his carefree answer. He added more in modest tone, "Maybe if I weren't the eldest, then my existence would be hardly noticed..." By the way, Onew seems to blurt out Japanese impulsively. "For example, when ordering room service, I suddenly added, 'Some ice, please~' in Japanese. Lately, there are a lot of case like that~". With a loosened up atmosphere, he was full of a healing aura as his gentle smile never faded as he talked.

He is an artist whose singing ability is generally recognized and he is also commendable for his lyric writing skills. "During the arena tour, we went to different regions and got the chance to know a lot of things including good food and new culture." By the way, he said that lately, "I've come to like the phrase 'meccha (very)' so I use it a lot."

Jonghyun's answers
1. Time!
2. There is this game where you guess whose picture is being drawn. I had a good laugh looking at that.
3. Food.
4. Someone who always puts himself in others' shoes. But when he knows how others feel, he'll pretend he doesn't know in order to respect their feelings. I don't only want to be strong just because I'm a guy but I also want to be someone with deep emotions and a big heart.
5. When I hugged Minho as he came home after his drama filming and said, "I'm home~". But I didn't do that often (laugh).

I think emotions are easily changed just like the weather.
He was the first who took the solo photoshoot and as soon as he finished, he got ready for the interview right away. Different from the refined aura he had during the photoshoot, he looked much more kind and relaxed. While questions were asked, he would respond with "Yes" in Japanese as he listened carefully. When asked what he enjoys lately, this was how an artistic person like him answered: "I've found it interesting to relate people's emotions with the weather. The weather changes throughout the same day so I thought it's just the same with emotions. For example, on a sunny day, rain may suddenly fall and the weather becomes gloomy. Don't our feelings change like that too?" He regards everything in his life as his sources of inspiration. "If this place is a family, then this table is the mother and the pen could be me (laugh). I tend to relate everything like that." What would he personally like to try? "I don't think much about that. Of course if there's a chance for me to partake in acting or a musical, then I'll be working hard for it too. But for now, I guess I will prioritize SHINee's activities in music." He seems to enjoy the other members' solo activities though. It's likely that he never missed out on watching Minho's drama as he remembers the lines and he would playfully re-enact them from time to time. "It's because I think Minho was having a hard time being by himself so I want to cheer him on by letting him know that I watch the drama. I'm not being direct, right? (laugh)"

Bearing the name of the 'almighty key', he doesn't just walk into the world of music, but also has his path set into other cultures such as arts and language studies. He is the most fluent in Japanese among the SHINee members and he tried to speak Japanese as much as he could throughout this interview. When asked about things that he enjoyed this year, he answered, "I went to an event where David Guetta, a DJ that I really like, was there. I was so excited that I was screaming all over the place!"

Key's answers
1. There's nothing that I particularly want. I'm already satisfied with what I am right now!
2. There was a time when Taemin called our manager just by his name alone despite being the maknae. That was so funny!
3. I guess it's shopping after all. Also, I like to take trips to various places!
4. I want to be a person who others would feel at ease to greet. I don't want them to be too considerate towards me.
5. When we're battling together in a mobile game to set a high score because our hearts became one (laugh).

I enjoy fashion by changing to different concepts everyday!
With a friendly smile, Key asked back, "Can I answer in Japanese?" when given the first question. It is clear that such a personality can be the reason how he gained a large circle of friends beyond his managing company. "My home is in Daegu which is similar to Osaka in Japan. I have a lot of celebrity friends because I don't have any friends in Seoul. Back then, I used to take the first step to approach people but lately, there are quite a number of people who have told me that they want to be my friend (laugh)." Key, who always draws attention as a fashionista, seems to give advice on fashions to those friends as well. What is Key's usual fashion focus? "Things like colors and concept are very important. I change the concept everyday. For example, today is cute and tomorrow will be cool. I prepare the clothes that I will wear the next day before I go to sleep." On girls' fashion, he said, "I guess it's nice if it's similar to mine since we'd share the same taste. Right now, I feel like it'd be the movie 'Sid and Nancy'. My ideal image is for me to be like Sid and the girl to be like Nancy." By the way, Key told us there's something that shocked him recently. "Before I knew it, my room was in a mess! I'm someone who likes to tidy up clothes and have things organized though... Even gift boxes that I got for my birthday were being scattered on the floor. I left the room that way when I came here to Japan so it will be a disaster when I get back later~ (laugh)."

He charms people with his deep voice and cool rap on stage. He was recently active as an actor, being in Korean dramas 'Salamander Guru and The Shadows' and 'For You in Full Blossom' as a main cast. "After trying both singing and acting, I got to know each of their charms. I'd like to continue working hard in both areas," he said enthusiastically.

Minho's answers
1. A break.
2. When I watched "Infinity Challenge", a Korean variety show.
3. Delicious food. Japanese ramen is especially good!
4. Someone who does his best in his work, who has to reach his target. Also, someone who is independent and can solve any problem on his own. I guess I'm still not at that level yet...
5. When I got to see the members after being away for months because of drama filming. I could relax and it was a warm feeling.

It was my first time being casted as the lead in a drama and I gained great experience from it.
Minho was selected as the main role for the Korean adaption of the drama 'For You in Full Blossom'. "Just as I expected, it was hard to lead everyone as the main character. I still don't have that much experience in acting and there are times where when I look back and think, 'Ah, I could have done better at this part'," he shared the competitive yet positive comment that reflects who he is. Minho played the role of Kang Taejun who fell in love with Jaehee played by Sulli from f(x), a junior from the same company that he was acquainted with even before the drama. When his kiss scene with her that became a hot topic was mentioned, he said with a leisurely smile, "Since we're comfortable with each other, I think we did a nice scene." When asked whether he was the one who lead the kiss, he answered, "That's right," and laughed shyly. He has a perfect look, being talented in sports and quite manly yet gentle. In other words, a flawless image. What does he think of himself? "I'd say someone who does his best not to be troublesome to others and always looks on the bright side." Even when he was being teased by the other members during the group interview, he still looked happy. When he was told the members answered that meeting him again after a long time as the moment when they felt their affection within the group, he looked speechlessly happy and asked, "Is that so?!" His beautiful eyes were shining to a degree for a moment.

He is known for his outstanding dance skills since he debuted at the age of 15. He really likes Japanese anime. "It's quite abstract yet complicated. Its charm lies in the unique facial expressions. I've recently come to like the anime 'Tasogare otome x amnesia (Dusk Maiden of Amnesia)'." He's already an adult in Korea*. "I got my driving license already and I'm still in the process of gradually experiencing how it is to be an adult."
*(T/N: The coming of age in Japan is 20 so Taemin is still considered a minor there.)

Taemin's answers
1. Time.
2. When I fell and made mistakes while playing soccer with friends.
3. The food!
4. Someone who is responsible and continues to do what he choses to do wholeheartedly.
5. When Minho got back after finishing his drama filming. When we're together, I feel like we're a family so there have been times when I was sick of him (laugh), but I missed him when he was not around so I was so happy when I got to see him.

It'd be great if I can dedicate a song that I composed and wrote the lyrics for to my fans someday.
Taemin is doted on as SHINee's maknae and referred to as 'angel' by the fans. However, in his solo stage for the arena tour this year, he did an unexpected show by performing a funky rock song. His fans' hearts fluttered as he made them aware of his cool yet masculine side. We asked him which one is the real Taemin. "Cool yet cute, I think it's both," he answered with a smile. Then he politely asked, "Can I eat this?" and stuffed a mouthful of the snacks prepared before him happily. The word 'cute' perfectly describes his relaxed attitude. So he is an angel type after all? "Haha. I can't claim that myself... (laugh). It's because everyone else always treat me nicely that I can keep my smile all the time. I guess that's why they call me that?" He is 19 this year and even has junior singers from the same agency. "Even though EXO is my junior, they're all like brothers that I've known from my trainee years. Even now, I keep running into them in the practice room. But rather than taking care of them, it's more like we keep meddling with each other's businesses (laugh)." It seems like Taemin tried on something new lately. "Actually, I'm learning how to compose songs. As a singer, I want to deliver my own message in my songs. I think it'd be great if I can dedicate a song that I composed and wrote the lyrics for to my fans someday!"

What kind of surprise would you like to do during Christmas for the person you like?
When the five of them gathered, they immediately shifted into a relaxed mood, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the place. For this group interview, they talked about many things including their ideal girls, the members, live stages and SHINee's direction.

Most of your songs directly confess one's love, so who do you think would be the member who would convey his feelings enthusiastically?
All: Jonghyun!!
Jonghyun: Huh? It's just because I'm good at spontaneous things, isn't it?
Onew: Isn't Key the type who would say what he feels when there is any girl he likes?
Key: Yup, that's right. But I won't reveal it to anyone and we will enjoy our love relationship by ourselves (laugh).
All: What's with that?!
Jonghyun: But before that, the problem is whether Key can find anyone that he likes... Seems hard to find, right? (laugh)
All: Hahahaha!

Then can you please tell us about your ideal girl?
Onew: I like girls who suit one piece dresses well!
Key: Then I prefer someone who suits me well (laugh).
Jonghyun: I guess I like someone with a cute voice.
Minho: The ones with a good personality is the best!
Taemin: Someone who is nice, with a lot of inner charms.

It's almost Christmas season. If you were to surprise the person you like during Christmas, what kind of surprise would it be?
Jonghyun: I'd probably sing her a song.
Taemin: Even the streets are a romantic atmosphere during Christmas, right? So I'd bring her in front of a big Christmas tree on the street and I'd let her listen through the earphones to a song that I composed which I inserted into an MP3 player.
All: (whistle)
Minho: I'd also choose somewhere with a big tree, with a beautiful night scene to present her a cake.
Onew: I'd give her a puppy. Its name would be Merry (laugh). Ah, but it probably would be hard to raise a puppy, so let's change it into a stuffed puppy (laugh).
Key: Ahaha. Even if I were to go on date, I won't make her anticipate anything. Then I'd reveal one by one what I had prepared for her. For example, I'd pretend that there's nothing special but we'd end up in a firework festival. I want to plan that kind of surprise continuously!

Talking about what they think of each other and what's enjoyable during the live performances.
Can you tell us in a relay what you think is a cool part of the member beside you?
Minho: When Jonghyun sings, you can see the veins of his neck! I really think that's cool.
Taemin: I think so! I was thinking the same too.
Jonghyun: Ahaha. I've been told that a few times before (laugh). Key's happy expression when he is shopping or looking at pretty clothes makes him look cute.
Key: Huh? Aren't we talking about the cool part?
Jonghyun: Ah, you're right (laugh). Hmm... he's quite manly when he is a bit irritated. Like when he yells, "I can't take it!" (laugh). It's because he isn't like that normally.
All: We know.
Key: Is that so? When Onew drinks alcohol, he'll drink to his heart's content so he looks manly. Also, he'll do anything without hating it.
Onew: Sure, I do everything earnestly. Taemin looks cool when he is about to wear his shoes.
Taemin: (Stands up immediately and pretends to wear his shoes) Like this?
Onew: Not really. It's when you're going to dance, so you're wearing your shoes to get prepared (laugh).
Taemin: What~ Minho looks cool when he is eating ramen.
Onew: He looks manly, doesn't he?
Minho: That? Can't you pick anything better?
Taemin: But I really think so!
Jonghyun: I also want to eat splendidly like Minho (laugh).
All: Hahahaha!

The arena tour you had this year was a huge success. During live performance, when were you most excited?
Jonghyun: When we screamed together with the fans. We did it during the arena tour too, right?
Taemin: Yup! I'd say when we were being one with fans too.
Key: For me, it was the talk (MC).
Onew: My choice is the wire action. It felt good when we were flying.
Minho: For me...
Jonghyun: When you were eating ramen, right?!
All: Ahahaha!
Minho: I don't eat on stage (laugh). For me, it was during the encore.

Lastly, please tell us about SHINee's future plans.
Key: Since our fan club has already been established and we're going to have our first fan club event in December, it'd be great if our fans can feel us getting closer to them.
Taemin: We're really anticipating it!
Jonghyun: We're trying to do live stages in different regions and perform songs with various concepts, so please look forward to it!

SourceHanako Magazine
Translated by: red @ 

Source : dkpopnews[dot]net

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