Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jessica to Join 2012 Youth’s Hope Campaign ‘Pinking of Your Dream’

The PMC Production agency of the Musical named ‘Legally Blode’ is going to held the opening of ‘Pink Dream Day’, which will last 4 days from the 15th to 18th October at Seoul in the purpose of supporting the youth.

Youth’s Hope Campaign is planning to provide confidence to the youth who are facing the emotional and economic pressure while living their lives.  

This campaign is continuing until the middle of March, 2013. Moreover, the total fund and sponsors goods that are gathered during the campaign will be all donated to a non-profit organization called ‘Open Closet (’

On the first day of the event, the participants include Song Seung hwan, Jessica(SNSD),  Jong EunJi(APink), Choi Woo Ri, Tim, Kim San Ho, Jin Seon Kyu, Kim Kyeong Su, Jong Yeong ju, Jo Yu Sin. 

Article by: Sports world
Translated by: Kokking@TheSoneSource

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